We use the power of design thinking to cultivate purpose and transform businesses for the long game.

Woven Consulting Lani Hayward Venn Diagram


More than governments, policy-makers or celebrity endorsements, businesses have the power…and the responsibility to lead global change. Indeed the brands they promote and products they make have the best ability to influence consumer behavior…for good.


Culture is at the root of resiliency. A defined culture can unite people to do impossible things, withstand hardships, and inspire breakthrough innovation. Undefined and without purpose a culture becomes stagnant, confused and self serving.


The measure of what makes a good brand is no longer judged just by its product, service, or price, but by the way the company behind the brand operates. Businesses that profit in this new era will be those that weave people and planet into their corporate soul and express it through their actions.

Purpose-driven companies witness higher market share gains and grow three times faster on average than their competitors, all while achieving higher workforce and customer satisfaction.

- Deloitte 2020

We partner with leadership teams to reveal authentic purpose that leads to long term value and meaningful growth.

The most competitive brands and resilient organizations are those with a clear purpose and a long term value proposition that is integrated into the fabric of its operations, culture, customer experience and communications.

Study after study show that companies who are purpose focused and doing right by their people, communities and customers before profits perform better over time.

Companies across the globe are advancing in this direction because they know their (and our), future relies on it. Where are you on this journey?

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Examples of Work

We believe the best ideas come from looking in unusual places and the answers are right there when we listen.


We start inside. Look at the original DNA of the company. Whether 50 years old or just starting up, original intentions run deep, and are often the very soul of the company. It’s where authentic purpose dwells. We find it, define it, and give it wings.


We look inside, outside and in unusual places to gather insights that inform a purpose driven culture, brand and business strategy. From research, data and listening we reveal opportunity and ideas that build a framework to guide decisions…especially the hard ones.


The old adage that what gets measured gets done is true. But what you decide to measure and how you decide to measure it are key to articulating what you value. Perceptions form reality. We work with leaders to create stakeholder wide accountability through performance measurement tools and rituals.